Learn what the Injil, Zuboor, and Torat teach in our free online course.


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Our free course teaches the Holy Books and answers your questions about life, hell, and heaven.


Do you have questions about life, heaven, or hell? Our free course at HolyBook.PK can help you in your search for truth.

Our interactive course is for those who are seeking answers to life’s questions.

You will gain a comprehensive introduction to the Injil, the Zuboor, and the Torat. Written thousands of years ago, these Holy Books are still relevant to life today.

Enroll in a course now and begin your first lesson today.

Discover the Holy Books


The Injil reveals to mankind sacred truth about life, hell, and how to get to heaven. The Gospel is treasured by both scholars and non-scholars. Our free course will give you an introduction to the Injil and teach you how to learn and apply its truths.

The Zuboor is one of the most beautiful books ever written. In its pages, you will find wisdom and poetry that will guide you during your toughest times.

Given by God to Moses, the Torat contains instructions on how to honor God and live a pure life.

Discover the Holy Books

“This course has helped me stay close to God. The good sequence of the course has given me more knowledge of the Holy Books. I recommend you join this course with Facebook on your phone and be a part of this huge blessing.”

Course Graduate, Rawalpindi

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